2014년 4월 27일 일요일

International Peace Youth Group is now all around the world

International Peace Youth Group is now all around the world

When International Peace Youth Group first held International Peace Walk was May 25th, 2013. It has been almost one year since the first International Peace Walk, however, the effect started from the event is amazing now. The first International Peace Walk was held in Seoul, Korea with more than 30,000 people. Now, in one year, International Peace Walk held in many other countries by lot of youth who eager for world peace. It was held in America, Philippine, Europe and so on. It is keep working around the world. Even though, youth all around the world speaks different language, have different life style, we got together in our own country and show our hope to the world. As this movement, International Peace Walk, spreads out, I am sure the world someday, could be gathered in peace. It is the youth who can lead world peace to our future. Was it held in your country? If not yet, join International Peace Youth Group and let's have the peace wind blow in your country too.

2014년 4월 21일 월요일

Feel the happiness of PEACE with International Peace Youth Group

Feel the happiness of PEACE with International Peace Youth Group

How do you feel when you are with the people you love and having fun time? You will feel the happiness and be comfortable with it. On the other hand, what if you were in dangerous situation? Even if you were with your precious ones, you wouldn't be happy with in this situation. You would rather feel nervous because of the possibility of losing your lovers. This could feel like just an imagination, however, it was happening all the time around us. When war broke out, people feel danger and they cannot really go on with normal life. They live every minutes with fear and worrying about their live. Who wants this kind of life? No one. We cannot even dream about our future in this situation, because we even don't know what will going to happen after 5 minutes. Which means we won't have any reason to live. This sad and desperate situation is still happening on our neighbor countries. It's not only their problem. It's our homework to solve and we need to get together and fix this. To change this as a happy story International Peace Youth Group has got together and working on many different peace project. They already held lots of peace walk wishing for world peace in many countries. Not all the youth has gathered yet, however, if we all grab our hand and shout out loud for world peace, I am sure we can achieve world peace in our life. Let's feel the happiness of peace with International Youth Peace Group.

2014년 4월 14일 월요일

What part of the world do you belong to?

What part of the world do you belong to?

War or Peace. Which one is more familiar to you? Why is that? These days, when we turn on TV, there are lots of news that's related to wars. It could be the one that doesn't related to your country but it is still related to us because it is happening in our world.
Let's go back to the past and think about the world war 2. Did it only effect the country where the world war was happening? No. there were lots of countries where they support soldiers, food, necessaries and etc. War is not the problem for one countries. It is our problem.
In contrary, there were also people who were trying to achieve peace in the world. For example, Gandhi, Mandela and Mother Teresa. They tried in many different ways to achieve bring world peace in this world. Not only them but also others who had same thought participated with them, hopping for world peace. However, what was the result? As you look around, there are still wars going on around the world. I'm not saying that movement was a failure, but it was not enough to bring complete world peace in this world. Then, why? Were their effort not enough? or Was it wrong way to achieve peace? No, I think it is because we didn't try it together. Like I mentioned in the front, achieving peace in not the homework for some people but ours. Each of us has our duty to achieve peace. We need to try together to bring world peace in our life.
For the leaders, because they have power to communicate and negotiate with other country's head, they should try to maintain peaceful relationship.
For the youth, as the central force to influence in the world, they need to get together and be the head of peace work. Which means, Be the peacemakers instead of being a soldier.
Lastly, for women, as a mother of the earth, they should stand for peace and support their men and children. To take care of them and also the others so that everyone is in peace.

Which part do you belong to? What kind of duty do you have? For me, as a youth, I join International Youth Peace Group and participate lots of peace work. I feel very responsible for this and I am looking forward that one day, we all smile in peace.

2014년 4월 9일 수요일

IPYG Victory Cup, achieving unity through Sports Tournament.

The definition of sport is 

1. an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against  another or others for entertainment.

2. a person who behaves in a good or specified way in response to teasing, defeat, or a similarly trying situation.

Wtih IPYG, I believe there are more meanings in the word of  'sport.'
Below is the news published on the Brunie Times regarding the Victory Cup Sport Tournament. This Victory Cup does not aim for to win others, but its main goal is to promote peace, reconciliation and harmony beyond the nation, race, religions and languages. It might sounds easy, but harmonizing with other from who are grown from different background are not an easy matter.

It requires much more than 'trying to unite.' IPYG, we play sports to unite and harmonize with people from different ideology. Victory Cup was held annual from regional matches to Final Match. Through team sports, we learn how to cooperate as one team. Sport helps us to bound together especially beyond the language barriers.

You can read more detailed information about Victory Cup held in 2013 in the article attached below. 

Reference @ The Brunie Times
