2014년 5월 25일 일요일

Peace has to be achieved in our generation

Peace has to be achieved in our generation

In human history, war has been break out constantly for thousands of years. Even though there were some movements to change the world, world is not peaceful yet. Some people who have lived in peaceful world, they will try to keep that life. On the other hand, people who have experienced the crucial life being in war, they will try to change the world, so that they won't be living in those kind of life again. As a result, there is no one who wants war. Instead, all of us are dreaming about peaceful world. However, even if many people tries to change the world, but if it doesn't change for a long time, then people starts to lose their hope and think this is impossible. So, before people lose their hope and give up working for peace, we need to achieve world peace. Let's not give up and try our best to achieve world peace together! International Peace Youth Group(IPYG) has already started working to change the world and now, we are looking forward to work with you:)

2014년 5월 17일 토요일

World Peace is Our Dream to Achieve

World Peace is Our Dream to Achieve

  It's uncommon to talk about 'World Peace' these days, especially in our daily life. That's why people thought it was odd, when I said I wanted to write an essay about 'World Peace'. because we only hear the phrase 'World Peace' in the news so we don't really feel that it affects our  daily lives. However, I feel that it is important that we work on this urgent issue. Because of the urgency of this issue, I want to talk to you about it and I hope you reflect on its importance.
  First, war is not only a problem for warring nations, but all of countries. As we live on the same planet 'Earth', we can say we are a global family. Because of that, we are related to all of the wars happening around the world. For example, let's go back to the past and think about the Korean War. Were there only North and South Korean soldiers fighting in this land? No. There were others fighting with us and lots of countries helped us by supplying us with supporting soldiers, food and necessities during the war. Moreover, it also effected a lot of the world's economy, society and politics.
  More directly, we are the youth who look forward to prepare for our future. If we live only for today, then our life would be much different. However, because we plan to live for tomorrow, this is why we need a peaceful world. Imagine you have everything planned for the future, but what if war breaks out? Do you think you can achieve your dream in that world? Absolutely not. Men would be busy fighting for their lives and others would be terrified trying to escape from the situation. Also, for those who have brothers, they don't even want to think about their family fighting in the battlefield. So, now we can see the importance of world peace. It's necessary to plan for our dreams but first of all, we should work together to achieve world peace.
  Then, we can think, what is the peace that we need? Was there no effort to try to achieve peace in our history? Because there is no peace in this world, how can we work to achieve it? Let's start with the word 'Peace' and solve these questions. The definition written in the dictionary says, countries or groups are talking to each other in order to try to end the conflict. Also, it says, if there is peace in a country or in the world, there are no wars or violent conflicts going on. This means we need to end the war in this world to have peace in our life.
  In addition, there were people who were trying to achieve peace in the world. For example, Gandhi, Mandela and Mother Teresa. They tried in many different ways to bring about world peace. Not only them but also others who had the same thought participated with them. However, what was the result? As you look around, there are still wars going on in the world. I'm not saying those movements were failures, but it was not enough to bring about complete world peace. Why? Were their effort not enough? Or was it the wrong way to achieve peace? No, I think it is because we didn't try to work together. Like I mentioned in the beginning, achieving peace is not the homework for only some people but  all of us. Each of us has our duty to achieve peace. We need to work together to bring world peace in our life.
  Especially the youth, as the central influencing force on the world, we need to get together and take the lead to bring about peace. This means we should be the peacemakers instead of the soldiers in war.
  This thought could seem hard to achieve, however, if the world gets together in International Peace Youth Group and we gather our strength, I am sure it is possible and we can dream about our future with big smile.

2014년 5월 10일 토요일

Knowing the word 'PEACE'

Knowing the word 'PEACE'

When you hear some word, you start to imagine the picture of the meaning in your head. Weather you experienced it or saw it on TV. We can also know from the knowledge that we have learned in school. However, if there is a word that we didn't learn or not related to our life, then it will be hard to imagine it. How about the word 'War'? This word 'War' was too close to human history that we couldn't even be separated to this. We saw lots of videos and pictures on TV about the word 'War' and some of us might even experienced this word. There are words that makes people happy but the word 'War' depress people and remind sad feelings. I am sure there will be no happy memories with the word 'War'. So, why don't we stop using this word in our life? Words also live and die like people. As we know by the history, a word is used when people need it. However, as time goes by, if words are not used by people, then words disappear in our life or changed to another word. So, how about we delete the word 'War'? If we stop the war in our world then there will be no use to say the word 'War'. There will be only the word 'Peace' using in our world. This will be the best inheritance to our next generation. Later when we become parents, we can teach the word 'Peace' to our children with a smile instead of telling them about the war. This process will inquire lots of time but if we all work together in International Peace Youth Group, then it will become possible. Let's prepare our valuable present for next generation.

2014년 5월 7일 수요일

Achieving the true peace with International Peace Youth Group

Achieving the true peace with International Peace Youth Group

We have heard about the word 'Peace' a lot. In addition, there are lots of meanings contained in this word. People can think peace is loving, helping, believing and etc. But the definition written in the dictionary says, countries or groups are talking to each other in order to try to end the conflict. Also, it says, if there is peace in a country of in the world, there are no wars or violent conflicts going on. It seems like all of those meanings are in this large definition. However, in the dictionary, it say more specifically about achieving it. In reality, we need to end the war in this world. At that time, we can finally say that really achieved world peace or there is a peace in this world. not only the abstract thing but applying them in our world. The true world peace is the we make this peace happen in this world and hand over to our descendants. Isn't this the true peace that we all eager for? Aren't we strive to achieve this world peace? There would be no one who would oppose this will. Even though people are working in different way, they are all hopping for this peace, right? So, now let's gather our power to shine the world and achieve the true peace in this world. I believe all the youth can gather in International Peace Youth Group.

2014년 5월 4일 일요일

World Peace is our final goal

World Peace is our final goal

The one thing that human can say they are different from the animal is that they live for tomorrow. Which means people have their own goal to live and they live to achieve those goal. We look forward and prepare for our future. What kind of future do you dream about? If we live only today, then our life would be much different. However, because we plan for tomorrow, there are something that we all should prepare together. It is peaceful world. It doesn't seems like important to us than other things, but the reason why it's important is that we need world peace to dream our future. Imagine you have everything planned for the future, but war break out? Do you think we can achieve our dream in that world? Absolutely not. People would be busy fighting for their lives and escape from the situation. So, now we can feel how important the world peace is. It's good to plan for our dream but on the other side, we all should also work together to achieve world peace. Let's get together in International Peace Youth Group and spread our dream in the world.