2014년 7월 29일 화요일

We are the Guardians of the Earth!

We are the Guardians of the Earth!

New Marvel movie, 'Guardians of the Galaxy', came out!! It's also a superhero movie, fighting for peaceful world. Each character with different thoughts they become one team, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and finally defeats bad guys.
At first, they all gathered for different purpose. Some for money or revenge and others for peace. However, while they were together, even though they had trouble gathering their thoughts, they realized that achieving peace for all is the best thing. Unfortunately, there were some inevitable sacrifice during the war, but they all tried very hard to save all, livings in the Earth.

Some people might want to ask why don't they just fight for their own goal? It will be easy to achieve it and don't have to take all those responsibilities. But, the thing is, they knew that they had to make peaceful world to enjoy their own dream. It applies same to us. Although we have our own dream to follow, first of all, let's be the guardians of the Earth and bring peace in this world. Each of us might looks like losers who haven't done much like the Guardians of the Galaxy, but now, it's a chance for us to be the guardians of the Earth to be the hero. International Youth Peace Group is the Guardians of the Earth who wants to save the Earth from the war. Join us and let's be the peacemakers!!

Reference: http://marvel.com/

2014년 7월 27일 일요일

Even Apes don't want war!

Even Apes don't want war!

Did you watch the movie 'Dawn of the Planet of the Apes'?? The review of the movie was very good. It was very creative covering about human and apes. While other movies deal with future robots, it went back to the past and pick ape as a subject. It could also be the future of our world. However, people in the movie doesn't seem happy at all. They were struggling to survive and afraid of outside of the world. If I imagine that this is how our future is, then I might want to give up living in those situation. But because we still have possibilities to change our world, I want to put all my passion on that and try as my best to change the world.

The most thing I liked about this movie was when Caesar, the main character of the movie, said "Apes do not want war". It is because there is always someone who get killed in war. Also it's because we don't want to lose our family and want to protect them. This is true about the war. War always makes the dead. We don't know all of them who got killed in war, but they are someone's family. Losing the lovers are the one of the most sad and cruel thing. If the war only makes these kinds of sad things, why should we have to have war in this world. Like the one man in the movie, who tried to solve this negotiation with peaceful way, can't we just make this world peaceful? If there is no war in the world, we no longer have to cry out for this. This is why International Peace Youth Group is working to make peaceful world. We don't want to lose our precious one or sacrifice in the war and give up our future. Let's not keep this sad story bu change the world with IPYG.

Reference: http://www.dawnoftheplanetoftheapes-movie.com/

2014년 7월 22일 화요일

Peace cannot be with War

Peace cannot be with War

What do you think about peace? What is 'Peace' to you?
People have their own definition for peace. Some might think inner peace of each person is peace. There are also other definitions such as love, understanding, being together and etc. All of these meanings are not wrong. with these, we can achieve peace. However, in the dictionary, it says, peace is where there is no war or fighting. Like it says, if there is a war, peace cannot be there together. Which means, even if some countries are not in the war, if there is a war happening in other country, they cannot say they are in peace. World cannot have peace with a war. That's why we need to work this out together. Because we are the one living in this world, we should take responsibility and bring peace in this world. Peace cannot be with war, but when peace comes, happiness will follow with it. 

2014년 7월 20일 일요일

Why Youth? Because we are the Youth!

Why Youth? Because we are the Youth!

Why should youth be in the front and lead the world to peace?
It's because youth are the one who makes change in this world. Youth makes changes and it becomes shape of the world. That's why youth is so important to work for the world peace. Little changes that youth make will create the atmosphere of peace and it will motivate all the people to be concerned about world peace. In addition, youth is the one who plans for the future. They will not settle for the present but also lead the peaceful world in the future. These are the reasons why youth should be in the front and be the main force to achieve world peace.

Moreover, 'Youth' doesn't mean one or two people. Youth as all the youth living in this generation. Peace is not only for those who are directly related. All of us needs to share responsibility and desire to be united. Youth have passion and we can make impossible things to make it possible. This is why International Peace Youth Group has gathered. We are here to unite our power to achieve peace and we will not just show off just being a peacemaker but step by step, we'll make changes and finally bring world peace in this world. Youth, let's awake and do the valuable thing in our life.

2014년 7월 15일 화요일

International Peace Youth Group Peace Walk

International Peace Youth Group Peace Walk

International Peace Youth Group will never stop walking&working for peace until we feel peace in this world.
Until we make peaceful world where we can spread our dreams...

2014년 7월 13일 일요일

International Peace Youth Group-Hands of Peace

World Peace is...
When we all grab our hands in hands and be the one, that is the time when we achieve our dream.
International Peace Youth Group is reaching out our hands to all over the world.
Grab this hands of peace and stretch out your peaceful hand:)

2014년 7월 8일 화요일

World Peace is the answer for end of war

World Peace is the answer for end of war

Sometimes, it feels like we are just being lazy at achieving peace. People says we are still finding a way to peace, however, we all know the answer, don't we? Answer for world peace is end of war. If we end war in this world, aren't there be peace within us? Then why are we waiting for? There is a answer and we know how to do it, why don't we work for it? If we all gather and try to solve this problem, I am sure we can bring what we want. There are no other answer for this, and people know about it. Saying these excuses are no longer accepted in our generation. We need to change this land into peaceful world that we wish. Hesitating is not worth it in this issue. We need to get into it as soon as possible and plant happiness in this world.

2014년 7월 6일 일요일

Peace is the way to achieve peace!

Peace is the way to achieve peace!

Hundreds of people have thought about way of achieving peace in this world. They tried in many different ways to achieve it. Some tried with peace campaigns, movements, no violent, law and etc. On the other side, others tried with their power, authority, pressure and etc. Both seems to work for a short time. However, as you look around, peace is not within yet. All of those work was no useless but we need something strong that can bring us world peace in this world. Something that's worth it to try. These days, there is one group which is trying so hard to achieve world peace. It is International Youth Peace Group and there are lots of youth gathering together working for peace. As a youth, they have passion to achieve world peace and they are now making our dream come true. To bring about peace, being a peacemakers and work in peace is the only way to achieve peace. 

2014년 7월 1일 화요일

We should act up to what we say and want!

We should act up to what we say and want!

It's hard to act up to what we say sometimes. Saying something is easy and doesn't take lot of effort. However, acting up to the word is hard to keep it. This also determinate someone's trust. We rather trust whom really show with their action not just with a word. At first, it's tempting to those attractive words but at the end, we turn to ones who keep their words. Are you one of those who act up to what you say? Do you want world peace? We all want world peace but there are not many people who really keep their word. However, just saying we want world peace won't make changes in this world. We should make an action to these, so that we can bring our wish come true. International Peace Youth Peace Group is a group where we act up to what we want. We are working as hard as possible and we will make our wish come true!