2014년 9월 30일 화요일

Blood donation

Blood has an important role in our body. It carries nutrient and oxygen to our entire body. Also it is provided to muscles so that we can move by using muscles. Human produces blood in which level one is needed. However, if there is a problem with blood making system or circulation, for example, if someone is bleeding so much, then it can be dangerous to his/hers life. Blood must be provided from external source.
 Blood donation is the only external source and is a only way of saving life. Human still couldn't invent how to make blood artificially. Also there isn't any substitution for blood. Moreover, all nation prohibited blood for commercial purpose to protect human ethics.
 Donated blood's expiration date is about 30days, so we can't store it for a long time. So, blood donation should be continually go along.
  Like blood donation, there are many people who is needed to provide love and peace. IPYG is working together to share love to the world. Share your love to save precious life. There is a famous proverbs like 'If we share sadness, it is halved and if we share love, it is doubled.'

2014년 9월 28일 일요일

A peace lighthouse that leads world into peace

A peace lighthouse that leads world into peace

Lighthouse is easily seen near the harbor. The mission for lighthouse is to light up the dark ocean. If there isn't a lighthouse shining at night, ships won't be able to find the harbor and come back  home. On daytime, lighthouse looks like simple small building that's useless to see, but it is a life saver to lots of seamen. Even though the light shining from the lighthouse might be a small ray of light, it leads all the ships to harbor.

Same as achieving world peace in this world. the world now is covered in the darkness. There are lots of fighting and wars happening around us. However, if there are no lighthouse shining upon us is to lead the world to peace, all the countries and people will be in chaos wandering in the darkness. To save our world, International Youth Peace Group is now standing in the front shining the light of the peace to the world. Starting with small peace project, the light now shining all over the world leading all the people to world peace. Youth might be a ray of light, but if we stand together and keep lighting over the world, we are sure to achieve world peace.

2014년 9월 9일 화요일

October 1st, the Soldier's Day

October 1st, the Soldier's Day

Have you ever heard about 'Soldier's Day'? In Korea, we commemorates Soldier's Day on October 1st. On this day, people reminds of soldiers' who have sacrificed their lives to save the country. Without their sacrifice, peace couldn't come in the country. However, who will compensate to their lives? Neither politicians nor the laws have paid them back. Also there is nothing that can be covered with compare to someone's life. We should not forget them and be thankful to what they have done. Also, we should try to cease the war in this world, so that there won't be any more scarification. There are still lots of students and youth soldiers fighting in the battlefield other there. It's not the only responsibility for them nor their country. Peace is responsible for all of us living in this world. I think the true means of reminding these soldiers is not just think about our past history but to work to achieve peace in this world for our future.

2014년 9월 7일 일요일

IPYG, let's be the candle of the world!

IPYG, let's be the candle of the world!

When people think of candle, the word 'Scarify' is easily reminded in people's head. Why? It's because candle burns itself to light up the darkness. If the candle doesn't burn and disappear, light won't appear. Lighting up the darkness is possible when candle sacrifices.
Achieving world peace is as same as candle. It might looks there are no relationship with between candle and world peace, however, if we all became candles, the world will soon shine with peaceful lights.

When candle burns itself, it hurts and it's painful. It's not an easy thing to do. For example, sometimes, we need to give up our own benefit for all of our goal which is world peace. If all people think about their own benefit and being selfish, it will be impossible to achieve peace. Giving up means, there could be some loss and insufficiency/ However, from this, world will be one step forward to have peace. Isn't this valuable to live like a candle? If there is no candle, there cannot be a light shinning the darkness. So as us. If there is no one to sacrifices for the peace to change the world, peace won't come forever. International Youth Peace Group is now around the world brightening the darkness. However, the power of the light will be much better if more youth becomes one.

2014년 9월 2일 화요일

All religion's purpose is WORLD PEACE

All religion's purpose is WORLD PEACE

There are around 7,100,000,000 people living in this earth. Also, there are about --- people who has religion. Believer's purpose to have religion is peace. The find their own God to have peace in their mind, family, country and the world. However, in human history, most of the wars are caused because of religions. People find peace in the religion but these religions break out wars in the world. Isn't this awkward? Wasn't their goal to have world peace?

Before we blame one specific religion, let's think again what the main purpose was. If believer's  main, final purpose was to have peace, we shouldn't keep the world like this. From now on, let's change our thoughts, accept each other's difference and try to harmonize to achieve world peace. No matter if we have our own religion or not, International Peace Youth Group will also gather together to make our dream come true.