2014년 3월 24일 월요일

PEACE is what we want

PEACE is what we want

What is your favorite food? What is your favorite thing to do?
Who is your favorite person? What is your dream?

It's so happy and exciting to think about these things.
We always try to do something we want to do. It's natural to all of us.
However, what if we can't do these things?
Can't eat your favorite food, can't do what you wants to do,
can't be with your favorite people and you can't dream your own future.
How do you think it will be like? Can you imagine?

Don't be disappointed yet. There is still a chance to make this right.
The main cause of this is peace.
If there is a peace, we can dream about our favorite things.
However, If there is no peace, it's hard to do such things.
Like the famous quote 'Health is the best of all', if we loose our life, there won't be any chance to try other things.

So, among all of your favors, PEACE, especially WORLD PEACE is what we want and what we need. Let's achieve world peace in the world and make our dream come true!
International Youth Peace Group is already in the front working for this. We also need your light of peace to achieve final WORLD PEACE.

2014년 3월 22일 토요일

Hands in Hands

Hands in Hands...

I was walking along the countryside and saw fence runs all the way to the end.
The fence doesn't seems that big or made with hard material. However, it was the strongest fence ever. Why? Because there wasn't any breaks or holes between each other. Which means, it was doing its job perfectly.
Then, I saw this picture, papers men grabbing each others hands. It might looks weird but, to me, it gives me the strength of peace. When people grab each others hands, what others can be stronger than this? When we get together and gather our compassion about peace, why can't it be possible to achieve world peace? If all the people around the world hold each others hand, who will break world peace? This is how we achieve world peace in this world and this is what we need to do now. Actually, it has been already started with International Peace Youth Group. So now, you can be one of us and grab your precious one's hand with the heart of world peace. I believe one day, we can all share our light and brighten the world with peace. 

2014년 3월 20일 목요일

It is our duty to achieve WORLD PEACE

It is our duty to achieve WORLD PEACE

We call on all youth to unite in an effort to stop wars and pursue the restoration of peace by agreeing not to fight one another. For World Peace to become a reality this is the duty of all youth, everywhere. The only way to stop the fighting and pointless, tragic deaths, is to stop fighting. Nobody can ask for anything greater than this, and know now that your efforts – the efforts of the young people of the world today in pursuit of peace – will remain as a never fading light of life for all future generations.
                                                     -Part of the declaration of world peace-

This is a part of the declaration of world peace. You can easily found in IPYG site.
As it is written in here, becoming a peace leader is a duty for all of youth. Youth is the one who can really lead the world into peace. When the war broke out, who go out to the field and fight for the country? Yes, it's the youth. However, if the youth refuse to fight and work for peace, isn't that the way to stop the war? People live with lots of duties, but think about the value of each duty you have. Work for what you really need to do, and what really needs you to do. Let's be a youth who can really be proud of itself. Like the youth before saved each country, now, let us save the whole world. It will not going to be the happening but the history in our life.

2014년 3월 17일 월요일

Being a member of IPYG...

Being a member of IPYG...

People live with feeling a sense of belonging. What group do you belongs to? How many groups are you in? What kind of feeling do you have when you think of your group?
I've never thought about this a lot before, but after being in IPYG, I start to feel something and act differently. Actually, it affects me a lot than I thought.
Whenever I see the news about the war or disaster, I start to worry about it because they might be our friends. Even they are not the friends who I have spent time or memories with, but they are our friend whom we have same goals for world peace and worked together to achieve it. In addition, because world peace is not just about one country but related to all around the world we need to take care of each other and start to help to achieve it.
Not only that, I start to think more about peace in my life. As a member of IPYG, what can I do to make our hope, world peace, to achieve it faster? One person, as myself, might be hard to make a big different, but that small idea could bring many people into world peace. Also, because I know that all the members in IPYG will going to work together, it gives me more inspiration and compassion. In the world, countries fights and make wars but what if we, IPYG members, get together and hold our hands together? Wouldn't it be a way of bringing world peace? Starting from one hand, we all can grab our hands together to make peace in the world.

This feeling a sense of belonging is something that can change our life and also out world.

2014년 3월 16일 일요일

International Youth Peace walk in all over the world

Last year, on May, International Peace Youth Group held an International Peace walk. It has been started in Seoul, South Korea and then spread to other countries. On that day, there were about 30,000 youth from all over the world even it was held in South Korea. All the youth gathered there and walked wishing for world peace. People can say it was just a big event wishing for peace but it wasn't that simple as they think. As a one who also participate in the event, we felt the possibility of all the youth from over the world gathering together and power that we can affect to the world. From now on, we are not an individual having a wish of world peace but we are now companion who are acting to achieve world peace. We laid this event and our hope of peace in our heart and we will now work to achieve this. Our resolution didn't went wrong but spread to whole world. International Youth Peace Walk has spread into many countries and all the shinning lights of peace are also brightening many countries. I am sure that it will keep going on till whole world are shinning with the light of peace.

These are the news spread in many other countries. Not only here, but you could find more in other news too.
#Philippine News

#Kazakhstan News

#China News


2014년 3월 11일 화요일


You might have once heard about IPYG if you are active in youth work or if you are interested in peace. IPYG stands for International Youth Peace Group. As it is showing in the name, it is a huge group where youth groups from all over the world gathers to achieve world peace. It sounds like abstract thing but it's not like other groups. Even every groups, from other countries, has different culture, language and method, but in IPYG, we become one and be a huge international family. Gathering for one reason, world peace, is strong enough to tight all the youth from each countries. However, what we really want to do is not just gather bus achieve actual world peace. There were lots of peace leaders, events and works to achieve it, but as we know, world peace has not achieved yet. This is why we, IPYG, is gathering to achieve actual world peace in the world that has never been in the world. Someone can doubt that this group and work could be like others but we are sure that we can do this. We have confidence because if all the youth from the world gather to stop the war and work for peace why can't it be? Whenever war broke out, youth is the one who go out to the field and fight, devoting their lives. However, if youth unites and work for peace instead, who will be the solider? Not only just preventing the war, but because we do lots of different peace works in each country, this IPYG's way to make world as on.

2014년 3월 1일 토요일


International Peace Youth Group

Man Hee Lee, Chairman of Restoration of World Peace and Culture of Heaven

Du Hyun Kim, Director of International Peace Youth Group

International Peace Youth Group was formed from groups of young people coming together with the vision and determination to unite people across borders, cultures, languages and races. We aim to foster a spirit of appreciation and respect for the diversity of humanity, as well as for all individuals that create that diversity. IPYG started their work nationally in South Korea and mobilized thousands of youth across the country through their signature peace walk. It didn't take long before youth around the world recognized the efforts and importance of IPYG’s purpose and they too started hosting the peace walks with their youth.

IPYG has recently merged with the MANNAM International Youth Coalition (MIYC) which consists of a untied body of youth organizations from all around the world, bringing over a hundred more international affiliates to join forces with IPYG through their powerful peace-driven projects.

Organizations affiliated to IPYG will engage in collaborative projects throughout the year, meeting once or twice annually to participate in youth summits aimed at developing practical and sustainable solutions to the challenges facing us in the pursuit of peace. Everyone wants peace, so why has it not yet been attained? This is the kind of topic IPYG will address. We recognize that it is only with all of our seemingly small efforts combined that we can begin to see big results.

It is our goal to become a platform were all youth will be able to meet and encounter one another in a meaningful way through IPYG, and go on to make a great difference in the lives of people we meet in turn.