2014년 10월 23일 목요일

Bystander effect - 'Will you help?'

 Someone you don't know droped belonging by mistake and it looks beyond his or her capacity. Or, you found someone who is assaulted on the busy street. Will you help this people?

 It is natural to help people in trouble. But, If there are many people, everyone think 'Someone will help this people.' It's because responsibility is diffused, so I have not that big responsibility to help. It is called 'Bystander effect'

 It is really sad word that means indifference between people. This effect is getting stronger when there are more people to see the incident.

But, we have a solution of this effect. It is sympathy and fairness.

 We tend to help someone when we feel sympathy. Emotional level makes one's sympathy more powerful. So, I think the solution to prevent bystander effect is to love each other. If we are interested with our neighbor, we can help someone or receive help from others.

 In IPYG, we love together and take interest of others though it is a small thing. You can be a bystander but also can be one in trouble. Walking in other's shoes is a wise way if you want the peaceful and friendly world, 

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