2014년 5월 10일 토요일

Knowing the word 'PEACE'

Knowing the word 'PEACE'

When you hear some word, you start to imagine the picture of the meaning in your head. Weather you experienced it or saw it on TV. We can also know from the knowledge that we have learned in school. However, if there is a word that we didn't learn or not related to our life, then it will be hard to imagine it. How about the word 'War'? This word 'War' was too close to human history that we couldn't even be separated to this. We saw lots of videos and pictures on TV about the word 'War' and some of us might even experienced this word. There are words that makes people happy but the word 'War' depress people and remind sad feelings. I am sure there will be no happy memories with the word 'War'. So, why don't we stop using this word in our life? Words also live and die like people. As we know by the history, a word is used when people need it. However, as time goes by, if words are not used by people, then words disappear in our life or changed to another word. So, how about we delete the word 'War'? If we stop the war in our world then there will be no use to say the word 'War'. There will be only the word 'Peace' using in our world. This will be the best inheritance to our next generation. Later when we become parents, we can teach the word 'Peace' to our children with a smile instead of telling them about the war. This process will inquire lots of time but if we all work together in International Peace Youth Group, then it will become possible. Let's prepare our valuable present for next generation.

댓글 4개:

  1. To know the word of Peace is the right spot of Peace starting~!

  2. I wish peace comes as soon as possible in this world.

  3. I am looking forward to reading such woderful writing again.
