Peace is understanding the difference
Have you heard about the campaign 'Humanae'?
It's a project finding out all the different skin colors and records them. I
think it's quite interesting project. We usually establish a standard that
there are three different skin color which is white, yellow and black. Talking
about skin color might seems radical discrimination but that's normally how it
is. However, according to this project, each person has their own skin color.
We cannot just set up a standard with three different colors and put in all of
those skin colors. The most important thing here is knowing the difference and
understanding each other. We cannot ask why we have different colors. It's just
how we are created. I think Peace is the same. Discussing about why we are
different doesn't make any difference. It will only make big gaps between us.
However, if we talk about our different culture and environment, and talk about
how we can understand each other to make peace will make changes in us. This
change will be the seed of peace and bring us world peace. We cannot just argue
which way is the right way to world peace but it will give us the answer if we
gather and share our thoughts about peace. There are lots of youth gathered in International
Peace Youth Group and we are now one step forward to achieve peace in this
I am interested in Peace after reading your writing.
답글삭제Your writing make me think a lot. I enjoyed your reading.
답글삭제I enjoyed your reading.
답글삭제shared this
답글삭제difference and wrong.
답글삭제Thank you a good story.
답글삭제Peace is easy
답글삭제I agree . Forward Peace world!!!! Really
답글삭제작성자가 댓글을 삭제했습니다.
답글삭제l support as well
답글삭제Your writing make me think a lot.
답글삭제I only want to say, fighting!!
답글삭제I am looking forward to reading such woderful writing again.
답글삭제Your writing was very helpful.
답글삭제I agree with your thinking
답글삭제Your writing make me think a lot.