2014년 7월 27일 일요일

Even Apes don't want war!

Even Apes don't want war!

Did you watch the movie 'Dawn of the Planet of the Apes'?? The review of the movie was very good. It was very creative covering about human and apes. While other movies deal with future robots, it went back to the past and pick ape as a subject. It could also be the future of our world. However, people in the movie doesn't seem happy at all. They were struggling to survive and afraid of outside of the world. If I imagine that this is how our future is, then I might want to give up living in those situation. But because we still have possibilities to change our world, I want to put all my passion on that and try as my best to change the world.

The most thing I liked about this movie was when Caesar, the main character of the movie, said "Apes do not want war". It is because there is always someone who get killed in war. Also it's because we don't want to lose our family and want to protect them. This is true about the war. War always makes the dead. We don't know all of them who got killed in war, but they are someone's family. Losing the lovers are the one of the most sad and cruel thing. If the war only makes these kinds of sad things, why should we have to have war in this world. Like the one man in the movie, who tried to solve this negotiation with peaceful way, can't we just make this world peaceful? If there is no war in the world, we no longer have to cry out for this. This is why International Peace Youth Group is working to make peaceful world. We don't want to lose our precious one or sacrifice in the war and give up our future. Let's not keep this sad story bu change the world with IPYG.

Reference: http://www.dawnoftheplanetoftheapes-movie.com/

댓글 5개:

  1. I also saw this movie. Caesar said apes do not kill apes. The apes leader also said he do not want to fight with human. Even smart animals want the peace. We should also work as a peace maker. I recommend to see this movie!

  2. 작성자가 댓글을 삭제했습니다.

  3. l wish your writing change this world.

  4. Your writing make me think a lot.
