2014년 7월 1일 화요일

We should act up to what we say and want!

We should act up to what we say and want!

It's hard to act up to what we say sometimes. Saying something is easy and doesn't take lot of effort. However, acting up to the word is hard to keep it. This also determinate someone's trust. We rather trust whom really show with their action not just with a word. At first, it's tempting to those attractive words but at the end, we turn to ones who keep their words. Are you one of those who act up to what you say? Do you want world peace? We all want world peace but there are not many people who really keep their word. However, just saying we want world peace won't make changes in this world. We should make an action to these, so that we can bring our wish come true. International Peace Youth Peace Group is a group where we act up to what we want. We are working as hard as possible and we will make our wish come true!

댓글 18개:

  1. I wish many people in ther world pay attention to peace.

  2. Let's make actions together to bring peace to the world

  3. They are working only for peace no matter what.

  4. I absolutely agree with your opinion.

  5. I agree with you. IPYG Fighting~!

  6. I sincerely agree with your writing.

  7. Your writing gave motivation in my life.

  8. We all together can change for the better.

  9. l sincerely agree with your witing
