2014년 7월 20일 일요일

Why Youth? Because we are the Youth!

Why Youth? Because we are the Youth!

Why should youth be in the front and lead the world to peace?
It's because youth are the one who makes change in this world. Youth makes changes and it becomes shape of the world. That's why youth is so important to work for the world peace. Little changes that youth make will create the atmosphere of peace and it will motivate all the people to be concerned about world peace. In addition, youth is the one who plans for the future. They will not settle for the present but also lead the peaceful world in the future. These are the reasons why youth should be in the front and be the main force to achieve world peace.

Moreover, 'Youth' doesn't mean one or two people. Youth as all the youth living in this generation. Peace is not only for those who are directly related. All of us needs to share responsibility and desire to be united. Youth have passion and we can make impossible things to make it possible. This is why International Peace Youth Group has gathered. We are here to unite our power to achieve peace and we will not just show off just being a peacemaker but step by step, we'll make changes and finally bring world peace in this world. Youth, let's awake and do the valuable thing in our life.

댓글 10개:

  1. Everyone eger for peace. As the young generation, we should get together to achieve peace. It's just about us, but also about the future generations. Let's leave peace as heritage for next generation.

  2. Why Youth???
    Youth have passion and we can make impossible things to make it possible.
    Youth is simply an attitude of mind.
    Everybody is youth! you and me!

  3. I would like to share your writing with other people.
