2014년 6월 29일 일요일

Our strong spirit will make peaceful world

Our strong spirit will make peaceful world

There are many people who are admired by lots of people. The difference between them and others were their spirit. Proved by many examinations, sometimes, the spirit gives effect on our body that it controls and shows amazing power. For example, there was a man found dead in the refrigerator that was not working. Even though the power was off, it was man's thought which killed himself. In additions, for all of us, it's easy to think negatively. However, because those few people thought it is possible and worked hard, that's how they make changes and be different from others. Now, it's time for us to make small but big change in this world. It might seems hard and not possible to bring peace in this world. However, if we change our thought and then try our best to work this out, I am sure we can make peaceful world. Those who have spirit of peace are now gathering in International World Peace Group and we are trying our best to achieve world peace.

2014년 6월 24일 화요일

World become one in Peace with IPYG

World become one in Peace

There are .lots of various people living in this Earth. We born the same but each of us have different way of living. What's so different? We have different nationalities, languages, religious, environment and etc. These conditions gives effects on people's life. However, the problem is these also makes discrimination in people. Even though we all should be blessed, these causes war between us. Then what can solve this? How can we gather people in equality? The answer is 'World Peace'. In peace, there is nothing that can make difference in us. We are all same humanity in Peace. Desire to achieve world peace in people is same and it is possible only if the world gets together. Let's all work together and make beautiful Earth where we can always hear people laughing. International Peace Youth Group is on the front to gather people to bring about world peace. We still need you to join us and make better world.

2014년 6월 22일 일요일

Peace is Possible with the mindset of hope with IPYG

Peace is Possible with the mindset of hope with IPYG

World peace is what all the people around the world wish for. It is our desire to achieve it in this Earth. However, how can we achieve peace in this world? How do we do this is also an important problem that we need to solve. Some people might think peace can be achieved by force from the top of the government. Can you imagine how people will react with those process? Or if you are one of those who are controlled by the government, how would you feel? It will be just like one of other politics. Peace cannot be achieved by force. Achieving peace starts from the mindset of wishing peace and if all people gather to work for this, it will be possible to bring in this world. Lots of people starting from the youth are now gathering in International Peace Youth Group. Now, it's our turn to be the main influence to make better world.  

2014년 6월 17일 화요일

Youth the host of the earth, let's invite world peace!

Youth the host of the earth, let's invite world peace!

Do you know the difference between the 'Host' and the 'Customer'? If you were the owner of the restaurant, you would do your best to make things perfect. Even from small things like cleaning or decoration, you will search for it and try in many different ways. However, what if you were an employee? Not all the employee has the same mindset, but they will less take care of the things than the host. Why? It is because the only thing they care about is get paid for what they have done. However, since they know that they will get paid, even if they don't do their best, they will not going to put their all energy into it.

The reason why I speak about this is that we are the host of the earth. We are the one living on this earth. However, it seems like there are no one who really acts like the host. If we want to be treated like the host of the earth, we should come front and make peaceful world. If there are no hosts in this world? Who will protect this planet? Youth, let us be the peacemakers and save this earth from the war. International Youth Peace Group is now gathering more and more and working to achieve world peace.

2014년 6월 15일 일요일

Is it possible to bring about world peace?

Who is this war for?
Who break out this war?
Who sacrifice in this war?
Who compensate for the people died in war?
Who likes this vicious cycle?

Can we stop this war?
Can we bring world peace in this world?
Can we change this sad story to happy story?

If we work for peace together in International Youth Peace Group, it will be possible.
Our dream will come true through us.

2014년 6월 10일 화요일

Let's keep our peaceful blue sky

Let's keep our peaceful blue sky

Every day as we walk out the door, nature greets us with their beautifulness. Blue sky, green grass, red sun... However, have you ever imagine landscape during the war? Blue sky full with gray jets, green grass scattered with bloody bodies, animals crying out loud. Think how will it be if there were a war in the world. We couldn't have felt all those beauty that nature gives us as a present. It might be the message to keep them show their own beauty and keep away from the war. There are not only human living in this world. There are animals, nature co-existing with us. We all are the owner of this peaceful world. Let's not break this peace and share peace with our friends co-existing with us. Also, let's inherit this gorgeous view to our next generation. Let's remember those peaceful nature and learn from them. They never break into each other. They are maintaining peace keep in those silent promise that they have between them. International Youth Peace Group is also working to share this peace plan with people around. Let gather together to achieve our dream and co-exist with other.

2014년 6월 4일 수요일

Why is International Peace Youth Group(IPYG) on hot issue?

Why is International Peace Youth Group(IPYG) on hot issue?

If you are the youth interested in world peace, you might have heard about International Peace Youth Group(IPYG) at least once. Even though International Peace Youth Group(IPYG) is a new group that has been working for world peace for about a year, now it's branch is all over the world. The peace movement that International Peace Youth Group(IPYG) is spreading, makes youth gather in peace and share the culture of world peace. International Peace Youth Group(IPYG) started in May 2013 from South Korea. However, not only Koreans but also youth from all over the countries got together and participated in world peace movement. The first event that International Peace Youth Group(IPYG) did was Peace walk in Seoul. There were more than 30,000 youth walked for peace. Youth who have experienced this delicious taste of peace went back to their country and spread the light of peace. This peace movement got bigger and made more youth to get interested in world peace. Youth from over the countries felt the possibility achieving world peace and now they are looking forward to meet peaceful world. The reason why International Peace Youth Group(IPYG) in on hot issue is that we are changing the world. Every peacemakers belong to International Peace Youth Group(IPYG), they are spreading the light in the world and it is making world one step forward to achieve world peace. International Peace Youth Group(IPYG) will be the strong base that all the youth can get together and build world peace on it. This base will unit all the youth from the world beyond the nationality, countries and religion. We still needs more youth's to be peacemakers in International Peace Youth Group(IPYG) and make this magical history more faster.

IPYG will keep work for world peace

2014년 6월 2일 월요일

What is International Youth Peace Group(IPYG)?

What is International Youth Peace Group(IPYG)?

International Youth Peace Group(IPYG) started with gatherings of youth desiring for peace. Its starting point was in Seoul, South Korea. In May 2013, more than 30,000 youth, not only Korean but also international youth living in South Korea gathered and had International Peace Youth Walk. At this event, thousands of youth got inspired with their passion about world peace and this peace campaign spread out all over the world. Since this May 2013 International Youth Peace Walk, now, there are 241 international peace youth group from 70 countries joining together.

International Peace Youth Group(IPYG) Peace Walk

International Youth Peace Group(IPYG) is looking forward to achieve world peace in the world. Our purpose is to unite all the youth beyond the nationality, religion and countries. We are working to awake all the passion hide in the youth and to inspire them as peacemakers. International Peace Youth Group(IPYG) aims to gather all the youth of every nation and build peaceful future in the world.

International Peace Youth Group(IPYG) we aim to achieve world peace

As a youth, being a main force to change the world, we will respect the diversity existing in us and try to share all those beautiful cultures to understand and build world peace together. Instead of experiencing sadness from the war, we will try our best to stop the war, not seeing bloods but growing happiness in people's heart. We believe this is possible, if we, International Youth Peace Group(IPYG) work together and show our desire for world peace.

International Peace Youth Group(IPYG), Peace is POSSIBLE

We are now active in peace campaigns and projects held in lots of different countries. International Youth Peace Group(IPYG) is growing quickly and spread out to the world as fast as our desperate hope.