2014년 8월 31일 일요일

Same but Different, Different but Same

1 + 4 = 5

2 + 3 = 5
0 + 5 = 5

     One plus four is five. Not only with this method, also there are other ways. Two plus three is also five, and with nothing, you can plus five. This also makes the result, five. There will be more other ways to figure out how an answer can come out.

     This can be a way to solve a problem in mathematics, also in life too. To come to a conclusion of something, of course the process is important, but if it makes a same result, will you think that the way to achieve it is wrong? For example, living in a different environment makes you a different and unique culture. Cultures are the conclusion from human living that lives in a place. So it is the most suitable way to live and to survive in that way. So, this makes the way to eat food, wear clothes, and to build a house. How can we say mine is right and the others are wrong? It isn’t because we were born this way; it is because there are many reasons to respect.

     In IPYG everything, everyone, and everyplace, moments are respected and appropriate. This is way we can learn from others and try to make world peace together. Always remember, the results are same. But are you measuring the process to make and argue or to fight. Find what is in your heart first. If you know that, world peace or everything else that we have to solve is just a matter of time.

2014년 8월 26일 화요일

Share your light!

Share your light!

Have you ever heard about Lumin AID Solar-Powered Inflatable Light? It is a flat packed light that's transferable which is invented from Anna Stork and Andrea Sreshta. It was made to have potential with comfort, safety, and survival during disaster, so it is very useful in many situations. Moreover, not just in some cases, but it gives potential to lots of activates and makes things possible. Such as, this light help children to have a education, safety for women, and more work for laborer.
We can also take part in this good campaign. We can buy one and donate them to people who needs our lights. This is called 'Give light, Get light'. Let's participate in this good campaign and help others!

There is another light you can share! It is... your mind of peace. Around the earth, there are still lots of places that needs out light. Only light can bright the darkness, because it has a light. That's why we are needed in this. Living in the darkness where you cannot see the future is very painful and hopeless. However, when we live with the light, we can live with hope to plan for the future. That's why we need to share our light and make brighter world. Sharing light doesn't charge any money. It needs your time and mind to achieve world peace. International Peace Youth Group is standing forward in this project, and we still need your light to make this world much brighter. Join us and let's share out light of peace.

2014년 8월 24일 일요일

Understanding each other makes peace in world

 Mankind have been made a relationship with many people and have experienced wars which was happened by a conflict in collision within different purpose. Because of those wars, so many people lost their right to enjoy peace regardless of their will.  Conflict made by human is occurred by discord of thinking. It means we can solve the problem if we understand each other and shift other's ground. But in the center of human's history, most of the problems hasn't solved yet. And around the earth, wars are still happening and we can hear eager voice of peace.

 Peace can be achieved. Thinking small effect that you make won't make any difference is like, "My vote will not influence the result of election.". My little interest of peace can dye the earth in peace color.

 International Peace Youth Group is making a effort for this. Let's make a wave of peace throughout the world and think of peace in mind. Join us together! 

2014년 8월 19일 화요일

DMZ: Desperate place where we need to start peace

Desperate place where we need to start peace

Have you ever heard about DMZ? Korean Demilitarized Zone is in the middle of Korean peninsula diving one big nation as two country. It is now known as famous tour place. However, to Korean, whenever we see it, it reminds us of our sad history. DMZ is a place where people promise to remove all the weapons and preserve natures and also the people. Even though we don't feel any fear at that point, the war has not ceased yet and we cannot just stand there smiling. Some people might think of their father, children, loved ones who have separated during the war. Separating families and lovers are the most cruel thing that people could do. Like I mentioned before, DMZ is a place where they don't fight and be peaceful. However, how much people can feel peace on that place? That's why we need to build peace from that spot. Many people are desperate to have peace on the Earth. Not only Korea, there are some other places where they have these demilitarized zone. Let's bring peace in those places and never remind our sad history again. International Peace Youth Group is now working on this, and we will soon make this possible. Then, we can think of peaceful and happy thoughts whenever we see each other.

Reference: http://www.korea-dmz.com/

2014년 8월 17일 일요일

What kind of hero do you like to be?

What kind of hero do you like to be?

There are lots of heroes in the world. When we think about heroes these days, we usually think of Iron man, Spider man, Thor and etc, someone like abnormal. Image about the heroes are more like someone who has super power. However, there are not just heroes with super powers. There are also heroes with super heart. For example, when we were young, we used to think our parents as a super hero. It's because of the heart of loving their children which is their secret super power. Most of us once have thought about being a hero but we just regard them as a dream. Yet, we can still go for that dream. How? We can be a super hero who bring world peace. Our super power is our passion of achieving peace. Among people who just dream to be a super hero, how about we really be a hero to all the people living on the Earth? Like Avengers, when we gather our hearts, our super power will be much bigger and strong enough to change the world. Youth super heroes are now gathering in International Peace Youth Group to shine their super powers.

Reference: http://marvel.com/movies/movie/152/marvels_the_avengers

2014년 8월 12일 화요일

Bringing peace with love

Bringing peace with love

Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery-

When we understand our differences and start to love each other, that's when we can achieve peace in this world. World peace is our goal to look forward. Let's stand together and bring peace with love. International Peace Youth Group is now sharing and spreading love of peace to the world. Soon, we can achieve peace in this world. 

DMZ: Desperate place where we need to start peace

DMZ: Desperate place where we need to start peace

Have you ever heard about DMZ? Korean Demilitarized Zone is in the middle of Korean peninsula diving one big nation as two country. It is now known as famous tour place. However, to Korean, whenever we see it, it reminds us of our sad history. DMZ is a place where people promise to remove all the weapons and preserve natures and also the people. Even though we don't feel any fear at that point, the war has not ceased yet and we cannot just stand there smiling. Some people might think of their father, children, loved ones who have separated during the war. Separating families and lovers are the most cruel thing that people could do. Like I mentioned before, DMZ is a place where they don't fight and be peaceful. However, how much people can feel peace on that place? That's why we need to build peace from that spot. Many people are desperate to have peace on the Earth. Not only Korea, there are some other places where they have these demilitarized zone. Let's bring peace in those places and never remind our sad history again. International Peace Youth Group is now working on this, and we will soon make this possible. Then, we can think of peaceful and happy thoughts whenever we see each other.

2014년 8월 10일 일요일

Freedom comes from peace

Freedom comes from peace

In human history, people long for freedom and this desire sometimes leads to war in the world. Why did people wanted to be freed so much? Where do they want to be freed from?? Being dominated by someone is avoided to everyone. It's because people can't think of future in those situation. They cannot get rid of those possibilities to be controlled and fear from unknown future. That's why so many people fought in the war to get back their own right. However, as we look back our future, do you think this freedom really comes from the war?? No. It rather ruins human life and take away our freedom of peace. When there is a peace in the world that's when we can be freed from the fear of the war and also have true freedom. That's why we need peace in the war. Peace between each countries and people will solve this trouble and makes world much better. Let's bring about world peace in this world with International Peace Youth Group and share our freedom.

2014년 8월 5일 화요일

Let's throw a peace bomb!!!

Let's throw a peace bomb!!!

When we think of a bomb or hand grenade, it reminds us of a war. Which is a weapon to kill people. However, there are people who change this prejudice. This project is called 'Seedbomb'. As it say, it is a bomb but it plants new life instead of destroy it. It is a bomb that has life in it. When people throw this seed bomb, they no longer think of a war or feel fear, but a hope to safe the Earth. It's a small idea which brings a big different in this world. Now, how about
being a little bomb that spread peace in this world? As a youth with a hope to bring peace, I am sure each of us, we can plan peace in this world. Needless to say about its possibilities, it will finally bring world peace in this world. In International Peace Youth Group, there are already lots of peacemakers, peace bombs gathered to achieve our dream, world peace.

Reference: http://greenaid.co/

2014년 8월 3일 일요일

Peace is understanding the difference

Peace is understanding the difference

Have you heard about the campaign 'Humanae'? It's a project finding out all the different skin colors and records them. I think it's quite interesting project. We usually establish a standard that there are three different skin color which is white, yellow and black. Talking about skin color might seems radical discrimination but that's normally how it is. However, according to this project, each person has their own skin color. We cannot just set up a standard with three different colors and put in all of those skin colors. The most important thing here is knowing the difference and understanding each other. We cannot ask why we have different colors. It's just how we are created. I think Peace is the same. Discussing about why we are different doesn't make any difference. It will only make big gaps between us. However, if we talk about our different culture and environment, and talk about how we can understand each other to make peace will make changes in us. This change will be the seed of peace and bring us world peace. We cannot just argue which way is the right way to world peace but it will give us the answer if we gather and share our thoughts about peace. There are lots of youth gathered in International Peace Youth Group and we are now one step forward to achieve peace in this world.

Reference: http://humanae.tumblr.com