2014년 10월 28일 화요일

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee

  This book 'Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee' is about an old American history at the time of Indians, Native American, living in the land but slowly destroyed by U.S. Army. It is well described on the perspective of Indians. They were given an unfair treatment from U.S. government even they were living before American came. They could not insist on their own right to live freely but they were forced from the government unfairly. They had to live in a barren land and also forbidden to haunt. These policy made them hard to live because their main life-style was to raise livestock and haunt around the land. Instead of forbidding them, U.S. Army gave them a job to earn their life. However, it was very shameful and unreasonable. Slowly, through lots of big and small policies, the spirit and culture of Indians has been destroyed and it was the end of Native American's history. For some tribes who are keep on living as a Native American, they still cannot receive their own possessive rights and treated unfairly. It is sad to hear their unreasonable life and this is still happening around America.
  Through this story, it made me look back our sad history. Also, around the world which is happening even now. Korea once be dominated by Japan and it kept for about more than 40 years. While we were under control, Japan forced us not to use our own language which is Korean. We had to use Japanese not to be arrested by Japanese soldiers and even had to change our Korean name to Japanese. All of social, politic, economy and education was based on Japan ideology and it gives us great effect on Korea. We could have lost our language, culture and traditions if we didn't fight back and took our country. Lots of people has died during that time and it is still remembered as a tragedy of Korea. Being dominant is not just an issue of controlling one another but it is changing history which can also disappear. There are lots of language, culture, traditions that has been gone away through old history. There are also some of them which couldn't even remembered from decedents because it's not written in our history. People now feel sorry for them and try to save small tribes culture.
  However, unfortunately, it is still happening around the world. All the countries are trying to be strong enough to protect their own country so that they can keep their own rights which is freedom. However, if the world became one and maintain peace in us, there won't be any fear of wars and could save lots of energy. It could lead to development of human life if we spend these time sharing each others' culture. In my opinion, I think all people and cultures have to be respected. There are no standard or high and low between this. It is just a different way of living and all of us has the right to be respected just because we are human. People who are causing these wars or breaking the rule is the one who really has to be blamed.

  When we look back, human history has been all about being dominant to each other. It depends on which one has the power to control others. It's so sad that all we can remember is the war between us. I wish people remember this event and never do something like this that they will regret in the future. Because we already know the result of these dominants and wars, I hope we could our future and inherit our descendents a proud history.
 International Peace Youth Group is standing in the front to save the world. Hope we could all work together and bring peace in this world.

2014년 10월 23일 목요일

Bystander effect - 'Will you help?'

 Someone you don't know droped belonging by mistake and it looks beyond his or her capacity. Or, you found someone who is assaulted on the busy street. Will you help this people?

 It is natural to help people in trouble. But, If there are many people, everyone think 'Someone will help this people.' It's because responsibility is diffused, so I have not that big responsibility to help. It is called 'Bystander effect'

 It is really sad word that means indifference between people. This effect is getting stronger when there are more people to see the incident.

But, we have a solution of this effect. It is sympathy and fairness.

 We tend to help someone when we feel sympathy. Emotional level makes one's sympathy more powerful. So, I think the solution to prevent bystander effect is to love each other. If we are interested with our neighbor, we can help someone or receive help from others.

 In IPYG, we love together and take interest of others though it is a small thing. You can be a bystander but also can be one in trouble. Walking in other's shoes is a wise way if you want the peaceful and friendly world, 

2014년 10월 21일 화요일

What kind of hero do you want to be?

What kind of hero do you want to be?

When we were young, most of us have dreamed of being a hero who has super power. It looked cool to have one of those powers and save the world. What kind of super power did you like the most? Being invisible? Flying? Teleport? No matter what power they have, the reason people like them is because they are helping others. In contrast, even though some bad guys have super power, people hate them instead of respecting them. They are different than others but the real hidden power that motivates them is their warm heart. It seems like having super power is magic and impossible to have it, but being a hero is not difficult. We all have our super powers hidden in our heart. Being a hero depends on showing them or not. Whenever we hear the news telling us there is a victim caused from the war, we feel sad and sorry for them. However, if this feelings just stays in our mind, then we will be the normal citizen among the thousands of people. However, if we stand out and try to save them, that who we call super hero. It doesn't mean that we have to go out in the battlefield fight with the weapon. We can cease the war by doing the peace work. International Peace Youth Group is one of the hero group who tries to save the world. We are ready to save the war with the strongest super power which is warm-heart and hope to achieve world peace. As you know, one super hero is not enough to save the world. If all the heroes get together and gather our power, it will be easy to win in this battle. Are you ready to fight with us? Are you ready to be a super hero?

2014년 10월 16일 목요일

Peace solution in Super Computer

  There are many things which is unpredictable because there are so many variable at every incident. For example, we can't predict tomorrow's weather by ourselves also there is no way to simulate complex scientific experiment. But, we can predict partially by using super computer.
 Super computer is kind of small company of CPU(the main part of computer). It means if there is something to calculate, each CPU calculate their allocated work and it is gathered to make an answer.
 With one CPU, it is same to personal computer which is used commonly. We can only search for information or just watching a movie. But, When it is united, it's usage range is tremendously increase.
 There is a proverb, It's better to lift together though it is just a small paper' And it is same to make a world peace. We can't make it with one people.
  In IPYG we dream and work together and share our abilities to make a best solution. How about to gather together and share your idea of making a peace?

2014년 10월 14일 화요일

Let's change our future history with IPYG

Let's change our future history with IPYG

When we look back and learn about human history, most of them are about the wars and some events that has affected by the war. Someone could think it's natural to have war in our history because we have different culture, language, race and religion. Or could think war is one of human development. However, is it really necessary and unenviable to have war? What was the advantage that's left for us? The things derived from the war is high-tech weapons that can kill thousands of people at once. Also, because of that, lots of innocent soldiers has been sacrificed their lives. Once again, was it unavoidable? Was it the best way for our human? The only thing that we can teach to our next generation is wars that has been taken away our lives. It cannot be the good model to our descendants. Past is past what has been already happened and can't change. However, we can still change and plan for our future. Let's pass peaceful world down to our children. It will be also a tragedy if we leave on this wars and worrying about our descendants. The most valuable present for next generation that we can give is peaceful world that they can live happily ever after. International Peace Youth Group is now working on the front to change this world. We are gathering together so that there won't be any other students and youth soldiers sacrificing their lives.

2014년 10월 9일 목요일

Zero-Sum ,Win-Win, Chicken game.

 Have you heard about the word 'win-win game','zero-sum game' and 'chicken game'? It is economic terms used for trading.
 Win-win game means at the result of the game, there is no loser and both are the winner. such as ant and aphid. Zero-sum game means the sum of result of game is always 0 (there is always loser and winner). And last, 'chicken game' it was originated from car driving. Two man is driving face to face. If one man avoid, he is loser and another is winner. And if anybody don't avoid there will be only car crash.
 These days, most country selected free economic system. In this system, effort makes wealth so competition between people became prevalent and sometime it is spoiled to conflict and moral dispute.  Everyone want to live well and try to be. But if there is only 'zero-sum' or 'chicken game' conflict all over the world couldn't be stopped.
 1+1 is 2 in mathematics, but in win-win game, it can be 3 or more than that. I love the quote 'United we stand' and I think that it is similar to win-win game and also the world peace.

 In IPYG, we try to make all works win-win game and I think that this can be a good way to solve every conflicts on earth.

2014년 10월 7일 화요일

Peace lesson from the movie AVATAR


The movie AVATAR was released at 2009 and over 13million people saw it in Korea and it has achieved second rank in Korean box office now(Including Korean movies).
  The movie director of Avatar, James Cameron, who also directed <Titanic> and <Terminator> prepared this movie since 1994. Because there wasn't enough movie technologies or computer graphic skills to express this story.
  It's graphic was sensational at that time, and 3D technology made it more realistic. I was also impressed about the great scale of graphics. But the most thing I feel impressed was the story of Avatar.
  To tell the story shortly, It is a story between a native 'Navi' and human expedition finding for natural resources. Human attacked Navi to get natural resources by force. They sabotage the nature with their weapons.
  We can see the same things these days. There are limited underground resources in Earth and human are fighting to get that to fill their greed. Someone can say that it is a human nature and to fulfill that war is unavoidable. But war costs much and accompanies meaningless sacrifice.
  The only way to solve this problem is world peace. Understanding each other with love and remembering peace in mind can make the world more beautiful. IPYG is also working for peace and keep thinking of others as a family. We are one so our mind and spirit should be one together!

2014년 9월 30일 화요일

Blood donation

Blood has an important role in our body. It carries nutrient and oxygen to our entire body. Also it is provided to muscles so that we can move by using muscles. Human produces blood in which level one is needed. However, if there is a problem with blood making system or circulation, for example, if someone is bleeding so much, then it can be dangerous to his/hers life. Blood must be provided from external source.
 Blood donation is the only external source and is a only way of saving life. Human still couldn't invent how to make blood artificially. Also there isn't any substitution for blood. Moreover, all nation prohibited blood for commercial purpose to protect human ethics.
 Donated blood's expiration date is about 30days, so we can't store it for a long time. So, blood donation should be continually go along.
  Like blood donation, there are many people who is needed to provide love and peace. IPYG is working together to share love to the world. Share your love to save precious life. There is a famous proverbs like 'If we share sadness, it is halved and if we share love, it is doubled.'

2014년 9월 28일 일요일

A peace lighthouse that leads world into peace

A peace lighthouse that leads world into peace

Lighthouse is easily seen near the harbor. The mission for lighthouse is to light up the dark ocean. If there isn't a lighthouse shining at night, ships won't be able to find the harbor and come back  home. On daytime, lighthouse looks like simple small building that's useless to see, but it is a life saver to lots of seamen. Even though the light shining from the lighthouse might be a small ray of light, it leads all the ships to harbor.

Same as achieving world peace in this world. the world now is covered in the darkness. There are lots of fighting and wars happening around us. However, if there are no lighthouse shining upon us is to lead the world to peace, all the countries and people will be in chaos wandering in the darkness. To save our world, International Youth Peace Group is now standing in the front shining the light of the peace to the world. Starting with small peace project, the light now shining all over the world leading all the people to world peace. Youth might be a ray of light, but if we stand together and keep lighting over the world, we are sure to achieve world peace.

2014년 9월 9일 화요일

October 1st, the Soldier's Day

October 1st, the Soldier's Day

Have you ever heard about 'Soldier's Day'? In Korea, we commemorates Soldier's Day on October 1st. On this day, people reminds of soldiers' who have sacrificed their lives to save the country. Without their sacrifice, peace couldn't come in the country. However, who will compensate to their lives? Neither politicians nor the laws have paid them back. Also there is nothing that can be covered with compare to someone's life. We should not forget them and be thankful to what they have done. Also, we should try to cease the war in this world, so that there won't be any more scarification. There are still lots of students and youth soldiers fighting in the battlefield other there. It's not the only responsibility for them nor their country. Peace is responsible for all of us living in this world. I think the true means of reminding these soldiers is not just think about our past history but to work to achieve peace in this world for our future.

2014년 9월 7일 일요일

IPYG, let's be the candle of the world!

IPYG, let's be the candle of the world!

When people think of candle, the word 'Scarify' is easily reminded in people's head. Why? It's because candle burns itself to light up the darkness. If the candle doesn't burn and disappear, light won't appear. Lighting up the darkness is possible when candle sacrifices.
Achieving world peace is as same as candle. It might looks there are no relationship with between candle and world peace, however, if we all became candles, the world will soon shine with peaceful lights.

When candle burns itself, it hurts and it's painful. It's not an easy thing to do. For example, sometimes, we need to give up our own benefit for all of our goal which is world peace. If all people think about their own benefit and being selfish, it will be impossible to achieve peace. Giving up means, there could be some loss and insufficiency/ However, from this, world will be one step forward to have peace. Isn't this valuable to live like a candle? If there is no candle, there cannot be a light shinning the darkness. So as us. If there is no one to sacrifices for the peace to change the world, peace won't come forever. International Youth Peace Group is now around the world brightening the darkness. However, the power of the light will be much better if more youth becomes one.

2014년 9월 2일 화요일

All religion's purpose is WORLD PEACE

All religion's purpose is WORLD PEACE

There are around 7,100,000,000 people living in this earth. Also, there are about --- people who has religion. Believer's purpose to have religion is peace. The find their own God to have peace in their mind, family, country and the world. However, in human history, most of the wars are caused because of religions. People find peace in the religion but these religions break out wars in the world. Isn't this awkward? Wasn't their goal to have world peace?

Before we blame one specific religion, let's think again what the main purpose was. If believer's  main, final purpose was to have peace, we shouldn't keep the world like this. From now on, let's change our thoughts, accept each other's difference and try to harmonize to achieve world peace. No matter if we have our own religion or not, International Peace Youth Group will also gather together to make our dream come true.

2014년 8월 31일 일요일

Same but Different, Different but Same

1 + 4 = 5

2 + 3 = 5
0 + 5 = 5

     One plus four is five. Not only with this method, also there are other ways. Two plus three is also five, and with nothing, you can plus five. This also makes the result, five. There will be more other ways to figure out how an answer can come out.

     This can be a way to solve a problem in mathematics, also in life too. To come to a conclusion of something, of course the process is important, but if it makes a same result, will you think that the way to achieve it is wrong? For example, living in a different environment makes you a different and unique culture. Cultures are the conclusion from human living that lives in a place. So it is the most suitable way to live and to survive in that way. So, this makes the way to eat food, wear clothes, and to build a house. How can we say mine is right and the others are wrong? It isn’t because we were born this way; it is because there are many reasons to respect.

     In IPYG everything, everyone, and everyplace, moments are respected and appropriate. This is way we can learn from others and try to make world peace together. Always remember, the results are same. But are you measuring the process to make and argue or to fight. Find what is in your heart first. If you know that, world peace or everything else that we have to solve is just a matter of time.

2014년 8월 26일 화요일

Share your light!

Share your light!

Have you ever heard about Lumin AID Solar-Powered Inflatable Light? It is a flat packed light that's transferable which is invented from Anna Stork and Andrea Sreshta. It was made to have potential with comfort, safety, and survival during disaster, so it is very useful in many situations. Moreover, not just in some cases, but it gives potential to lots of activates and makes things possible. Such as, this light help children to have a education, safety for women, and more work for laborer.
We can also take part in this good campaign. We can buy one and donate them to people who needs our lights. This is called 'Give light, Get light'. Let's participate in this good campaign and help others!

There is another light you can share! It is... your mind of peace. Around the earth, there are still lots of places that needs out light. Only light can bright the darkness, because it has a light. That's why we are needed in this. Living in the darkness where you cannot see the future is very painful and hopeless. However, when we live with the light, we can live with hope to plan for the future. That's why we need to share our light and make brighter world. Sharing light doesn't charge any money. It needs your time and mind to achieve world peace. International Peace Youth Group is standing forward in this project, and we still need your light to make this world much brighter. Join us and let's share out light of peace.

2014년 8월 24일 일요일

Understanding each other makes peace in world

 Mankind have been made a relationship with many people and have experienced wars which was happened by a conflict in collision within different purpose. Because of those wars, so many people lost their right to enjoy peace regardless of their will.  Conflict made by human is occurred by discord of thinking. It means we can solve the problem if we understand each other and shift other's ground. But in the center of human's history, most of the problems hasn't solved yet. And around the earth, wars are still happening and we can hear eager voice of peace.

 Peace can be achieved. Thinking small effect that you make won't make any difference is like, "My vote will not influence the result of election.". My little interest of peace can dye the earth in peace color.

 International Peace Youth Group is making a effort for this. Let's make a wave of peace throughout the world and think of peace in mind. Join us together! 

2014년 8월 19일 화요일

DMZ: Desperate place where we need to start peace

Desperate place where we need to start peace

Have you ever heard about DMZ? Korean Demilitarized Zone is in the middle of Korean peninsula diving one big nation as two country. It is now known as famous tour place. However, to Korean, whenever we see it, it reminds us of our sad history. DMZ is a place where people promise to remove all the weapons and preserve natures and also the people. Even though we don't feel any fear at that point, the war has not ceased yet and we cannot just stand there smiling. Some people might think of their father, children, loved ones who have separated during the war. Separating families and lovers are the most cruel thing that people could do. Like I mentioned before, DMZ is a place where they don't fight and be peaceful. However, how much people can feel peace on that place? That's why we need to build peace from that spot. Many people are desperate to have peace on the Earth. Not only Korea, there are some other places where they have these demilitarized zone. Let's bring peace in those places and never remind our sad history again. International Peace Youth Group is now working on this, and we will soon make this possible. Then, we can think of peaceful and happy thoughts whenever we see each other.

Reference: http://www.korea-dmz.com/

2014년 8월 17일 일요일

What kind of hero do you like to be?

What kind of hero do you like to be?

There are lots of heroes in the world. When we think about heroes these days, we usually think of Iron man, Spider man, Thor and etc, someone like abnormal. Image about the heroes are more like someone who has super power. However, there are not just heroes with super powers. There are also heroes with super heart. For example, when we were young, we used to think our parents as a super hero. It's because of the heart of loving their children which is their secret super power. Most of us once have thought about being a hero but we just regard them as a dream. Yet, we can still go for that dream. How? We can be a super hero who bring world peace. Our super power is our passion of achieving peace. Among people who just dream to be a super hero, how about we really be a hero to all the people living on the Earth? Like Avengers, when we gather our hearts, our super power will be much bigger and strong enough to change the world. Youth super heroes are now gathering in International Peace Youth Group to shine their super powers.

Reference: http://marvel.com/movies/movie/152/marvels_the_avengers

2014년 8월 12일 화요일

Bringing peace with love

Bringing peace with love

Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery-

When we understand our differences and start to love each other, that's when we can achieve peace in this world. World peace is our goal to look forward. Let's stand together and bring peace with love. International Peace Youth Group is now sharing and spreading love of peace to the world. Soon, we can achieve peace in this world. 

DMZ: Desperate place where we need to start peace

DMZ: Desperate place where we need to start peace

Have you ever heard about DMZ? Korean Demilitarized Zone is in the middle of Korean peninsula diving one big nation as two country. It is now known as famous tour place. However, to Korean, whenever we see it, it reminds us of our sad history. DMZ is a place where people promise to remove all the weapons and preserve natures and also the people. Even though we don't feel any fear at that point, the war has not ceased yet and we cannot just stand there smiling. Some people might think of their father, children, loved ones who have separated during the war. Separating families and lovers are the most cruel thing that people could do. Like I mentioned before, DMZ is a place where they don't fight and be peaceful. However, how much people can feel peace on that place? That's why we need to build peace from that spot. Many people are desperate to have peace on the Earth. Not only Korea, there are some other places where they have these demilitarized zone. Let's bring peace in those places and never remind our sad history again. International Peace Youth Group is now working on this, and we will soon make this possible. Then, we can think of peaceful and happy thoughts whenever we see each other.

2014년 8월 10일 일요일

Freedom comes from peace

Freedom comes from peace

In human history, people long for freedom and this desire sometimes leads to war in the world. Why did people wanted to be freed so much? Where do they want to be freed from?? Being dominated by someone is avoided to everyone. It's because people can't think of future in those situation. They cannot get rid of those possibilities to be controlled and fear from unknown future. That's why so many people fought in the war to get back their own right. However, as we look back our future, do you think this freedom really comes from the war?? No. It rather ruins human life and take away our freedom of peace. When there is a peace in the world that's when we can be freed from the fear of the war and also have true freedom. That's why we need peace in the war. Peace between each countries and people will solve this trouble and makes world much better. Let's bring about world peace in this world with International Peace Youth Group and share our freedom.

2014년 8월 5일 화요일

Let's throw a peace bomb!!!

Let's throw a peace bomb!!!

When we think of a bomb or hand grenade, it reminds us of a war. Which is a weapon to kill people. However, there are people who change this prejudice. This project is called 'Seedbomb'. As it say, it is a bomb but it plants new life instead of destroy it. It is a bomb that has life in it. When people throw this seed bomb, they no longer think of a war or feel fear, but a hope to safe the Earth. It's a small idea which brings a big different in this world. Now, how about
being a little bomb that spread peace in this world? As a youth with a hope to bring peace, I am sure each of us, we can plan peace in this world. Needless to say about its possibilities, it will finally bring world peace in this world. In International Peace Youth Group, there are already lots of peacemakers, peace bombs gathered to achieve our dream, world peace.

Reference: http://greenaid.co/

2014년 8월 3일 일요일

Peace is understanding the difference

Peace is understanding the difference

Have you heard about the campaign 'Humanae'? It's a project finding out all the different skin colors and records them. I think it's quite interesting project. We usually establish a standard that there are three different skin color which is white, yellow and black. Talking about skin color might seems radical discrimination but that's normally how it is. However, according to this project, each person has their own skin color. We cannot just set up a standard with three different colors and put in all of those skin colors. The most important thing here is knowing the difference and understanding each other. We cannot ask why we have different colors. It's just how we are created. I think Peace is the same. Discussing about why we are different doesn't make any difference. It will only make big gaps between us. However, if we talk about our different culture and environment, and talk about how we can understand each other to make peace will make changes in us. This change will be the seed of peace and bring us world peace. We cannot just argue which way is the right way to world peace but it will give us the answer if we gather and share our thoughts about peace. There are lots of youth gathered in International Peace Youth Group and we are now one step forward to achieve peace in this world.

Reference: http://humanae.tumblr.com

2014년 7월 29일 화요일

We are the Guardians of the Earth!

We are the Guardians of the Earth!

New Marvel movie, 'Guardians of the Galaxy', came out!! It's also a superhero movie, fighting for peaceful world. Each character with different thoughts they become one team, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and finally defeats bad guys.
At first, they all gathered for different purpose. Some for money or revenge and others for peace. However, while they were together, even though they had trouble gathering their thoughts, they realized that achieving peace for all is the best thing. Unfortunately, there were some inevitable sacrifice during the war, but they all tried very hard to save all, livings in the Earth.

Some people might want to ask why don't they just fight for their own goal? It will be easy to achieve it and don't have to take all those responsibilities. But, the thing is, they knew that they had to make peaceful world to enjoy their own dream. It applies same to us. Although we have our own dream to follow, first of all, let's be the guardians of the Earth and bring peace in this world. Each of us might looks like losers who haven't done much like the Guardians of the Galaxy, but now, it's a chance for us to be the guardians of the Earth to be the hero. International Youth Peace Group is the Guardians of the Earth who wants to save the Earth from the war. Join us and let's be the peacemakers!!

Reference: http://marvel.com/

2014년 7월 27일 일요일

Even Apes don't want war!

Even Apes don't want war!

Did you watch the movie 'Dawn of the Planet of the Apes'?? The review of the movie was very good. It was very creative covering about human and apes. While other movies deal with future robots, it went back to the past and pick ape as a subject. It could also be the future of our world. However, people in the movie doesn't seem happy at all. They were struggling to survive and afraid of outside of the world. If I imagine that this is how our future is, then I might want to give up living in those situation. But because we still have possibilities to change our world, I want to put all my passion on that and try as my best to change the world.

The most thing I liked about this movie was when Caesar, the main character of the movie, said "Apes do not want war". It is because there is always someone who get killed in war. Also it's because we don't want to lose our family and want to protect them. This is true about the war. War always makes the dead. We don't know all of them who got killed in war, but they are someone's family. Losing the lovers are the one of the most sad and cruel thing. If the war only makes these kinds of sad things, why should we have to have war in this world. Like the one man in the movie, who tried to solve this negotiation with peaceful way, can't we just make this world peaceful? If there is no war in the world, we no longer have to cry out for this. This is why International Peace Youth Group is working to make peaceful world. We don't want to lose our precious one or sacrifice in the war and give up our future. Let's not keep this sad story bu change the world with IPYG.

Reference: http://www.dawnoftheplanetoftheapes-movie.com/

2014년 7월 22일 화요일

Peace cannot be with War

Peace cannot be with War

What do you think about peace? What is 'Peace' to you?
People have their own definition for peace. Some might think inner peace of each person is peace. There are also other definitions such as love, understanding, being together and etc. All of these meanings are not wrong. with these, we can achieve peace. However, in the dictionary, it says, peace is where there is no war or fighting. Like it says, if there is a war, peace cannot be there together. Which means, even if some countries are not in the war, if there is a war happening in other country, they cannot say they are in peace. World cannot have peace with a war. That's why we need to work this out together. Because we are the one living in this world, we should take responsibility and bring peace in this world. Peace cannot be with war, but when peace comes, happiness will follow with it. 

2014년 7월 20일 일요일

Why Youth? Because we are the Youth!

Why Youth? Because we are the Youth!

Why should youth be in the front and lead the world to peace?
It's because youth are the one who makes change in this world. Youth makes changes and it becomes shape of the world. That's why youth is so important to work for the world peace. Little changes that youth make will create the atmosphere of peace and it will motivate all the people to be concerned about world peace. In addition, youth is the one who plans for the future. They will not settle for the present but also lead the peaceful world in the future. These are the reasons why youth should be in the front and be the main force to achieve world peace.

Moreover, 'Youth' doesn't mean one or two people. Youth as all the youth living in this generation. Peace is not only for those who are directly related. All of us needs to share responsibility and desire to be united. Youth have passion and we can make impossible things to make it possible. This is why International Peace Youth Group has gathered. We are here to unite our power to achieve peace and we will not just show off just being a peacemaker but step by step, we'll make changes and finally bring world peace in this world. Youth, let's awake and do the valuable thing in our life.

2014년 7월 15일 화요일

International Peace Youth Group Peace Walk

International Peace Youth Group Peace Walk

International Peace Youth Group will never stop walking&working for peace until we feel peace in this world.
Until we make peaceful world where we can spread our dreams...

2014년 7월 13일 일요일

International Peace Youth Group-Hands of Peace

World Peace is...
When we all grab our hands in hands and be the one, that is the time when we achieve our dream.
International Peace Youth Group is reaching out our hands to all over the world.
Grab this hands of peace and stretch out your peaceful hand:)

2014년 7월 8일 화요일

World Peace is the answer for end of war

World Peace is the answer for end of war

Sometimes, it feels like we are just being lazy at achieving peace. People says we are still finding a way to peace, however, we all know the answer, don't we? Answer for world peace is end of war. If we end war in this world, aren't there be peace within us? Then why are we waiting for? There is a answer and we know how to do it, why don't we work for it? If we all gather and try to solve this problem, I am sure we can bring what we want. There are no other answer for this, and people know about it. Saying these excuses are no longer accepted in our generation. We need to change this land into peaceful world that we wish. Hesitating is not worth it in this issue. We need to get into it as soon as possible and plant happiness in this world.

2014년 7월 6일 일요일

Peace is the way to achieve peace!

Peace is the way to achieve peace!

Hundreds of people have thought about way of achieving peace in this world. They tried in many different ways to achieve it. Some tried with peace campaigns, movements, no violent, law and etc. On the other side, others tried with their power, authority, pressure and etc. Both seems to work for a short time. However, as you look around, peace is not within yet. All of those work was no useless but we need something strong that can bring us world peace in this world. Something that's worth it to try. These days, there is one group which is trying so hard to achieve world peace. It is International Youth Peace Group and there are lots of youth gathering together working for peace. As a youth, they have passion to achieve world peace and they are now making our dream come true. To bring about peace, being a peacemakers and work in peace is the only way to achieve peace. 

2014년 7월 1일 화요일

We should act up to what we say and want!

We should act up to what we say and want!

It's hard to act up to what we say sometimes. Saying something is easy and doesn't take lot of effort. However, acting up to the word is hard to keep it. This also determinate someone's trust. We rather trust whom really show with their action not just with a word. At first, it's tempting to those attractive words but at the end, we turn to ones who keep their words. Are you one of those who act up to what you say? Do you want world peace? We all want world peace but there are not many people who really keep their word. However, just saying we want world peace won't make changes in this world. We should make an action to these, so that we can bring our wish come true. International Peace Youth Peace Group is a group where we act up to what we want. We are working as hard as possible and we will make our wish come true!

2014년 6월 29일 일요일

Our strong spirit will make peaceful world

Our strong spirit will make peaceful world

There are many people who are admired by lots of people. The difference between them and others were their spirit. Proved by many examinations, sometimes, the spirit gives effect on our body that it controls and shows amazing power. For example, there was a man found dead in the refrigerator that was not working. Even though the power was off, it was man's thought which killed himself. In additions, for all of us, it's easy to think negatively. However, because those few people thought it is possible and worked hard, that's how they make changes and be different from others. Now, it's time for us to make small but big change in this world. It might seems hard and not possible to bring peace in this world. However, if we change our thought and then try our best to work this out, I am sure we can make peaceful world. Those who have spirit of peace are now gathering in International World Peace Group and we are trying our best to achieve world peace.

2014년 6월 24일 화요일

World become one in Peace with IPYG

World become one in Peace

There are .lots of various people living in this Earth. We born the same but each of us have different way of living. What's so different? We have different nationalities, languages, religious, environment and etc. These conditions gives effects on people's life. However, the problem is these also makes discrimination in people. Even though we all should be blessed, these causes war between us. Then what can solve this? How can we gather people in equality? The answer is 'World Peace'. In peace, there is nothing that can make difference in us. We are all same humanity in Peace. Desire to achieve world peace in people is same and it is possible only if the world gets together. Let's all work together and make beautiful Earth where we can always hear people laughing. International Peace Youth Group is on the front to gather people to bring about world peace. We still need you to join us and make better world.

2014년 6월 22일 일요일

Peace is Possible with the mindset of hope with IPYG

Peace is Possible with the mindset of hope with IPYG

World peace is what all the people around the world wish for. It is our desire to achieve it in this Earth. However, how can we achieve peace in this world? How do we do this is also an important problem that we need to solve. Some people might think peace can be achieved by force from the top of the government. Can you imagine how people will react with those process? Or if you are one of those who are controlled by the government, how would you feel? It will be just like one of other politics. Peace cannot be achieved by force. Achieving peace starts from the mindset of wishing peace and if all people gather to work for this, it will be possible to bring in this world. Lots of people starting from the youth are now gathering in International Peace Youth Group. Now, it's our turn to be the main influence to make better world.  

2014년 6월 17일 화요일

Youth the host of the earth, let's invite world peace!

Youth the host of the earth, let's invite world peace!

Do you know the difference between the 'Host' and the 'Customer'? If you were the owner of the restaurant, you would do your best to make things perfect. Even from small things like cleaning or decoration, you will search for it and try in many different ways. However, what if you were an employee? Not all the employee has the same mindset, but they will less take care of the things than the host. Why? It is because the only thing they care about is get paid for what they have done. However, since they know that they will get paid, even if they don't do their best, they will not going to put their all energy into it.

The reason why I speak about this is that we are the host of the earth. We are the one living on this earth. However, it seems like there are no one who really acts like the host. If we want to be treated like the host of the earth, we should come front and make peaceful world. If there are no hosts in this world? Who will protect this planet? Youth, let us be the peacemakers and save this earth from the war. International Youth Peace Group is now gathering more and more and working to achieve world peace.

2014년 6월 15일 일요일

Is it possible to bring about world peace?

Who is this war for?
Who break out this war?
Who sacrifice in this war?
Who compensate for the people died in war?
Who likes this vicious cycle?

Can we stop this war?
Can we bring world peace in this world?
Can we change this sad story to happy story?

If we work for peace together in International Youth Peace Group, it will be possible.
Our dream will come true through us.

2014년 6월 10일 화요일

Let's keep our peaceful blue sky

Let's keep our peaceful blue sky

Every day as we walk out the door, nature greets us with their beautifulness. Blue sky, green grass, red sun... However, have you ever imagine landscape during the war? Blue sky full with gray jets, green grass scattered with bloody bodies, animals crying out loud. Think how will it be if there were a war in the world. We couldn't have felt all those beauty that nature gives us as a present. It might be the message to keep them show their own beauty and keep away from the war. There are not only human living in this world. There are animals, nature co-existing with us. We all are the owner of this peaceful world. Let's not break this peace and share peace with our friends co-existing with us. Also, let's inherit this gorgeous view to our next generation. Let's remember those peaceful nature and learn from them. They never break into each other. They are maintaining peace keep in those silent promise that they have between them. International Youth Peace Group is also working to share this peace plan with people around. Let gather together to achieve our dream and co-exist with other.

2014년 6월 4일 수요일

Why is International Peace Youth Group(IPYG) on hot issue?

Why is International Peace Youth Group(IPYG) on hot issue?

If you are the youth interested in world peace, you might have heard about International Peace Youth Group(IPYG) at least once. Even though International Peace Youth Group(IPYG) is a new group that has been working for world peace for about a year, now it's branch is all over the world. The peace movement that International Peace Youth Group(IPYG) is spreading, makes youth gather in peace and share the culture of world peace. International Peace Youth Group(IPYG) started in May 2013 from South Korea. However, not only Koreans but also youth from all over the countries got together and participated in world peace movement. The first event that International Peace Youth Group(IPYG) did was Peace walk in Seoul. There were more than 30,000 youth walked for peace. Youth who have experienced this delicious taste of peace went back to their country and spread the light of peace. This peace movement got bigger and made more youth to get interested in world peace. Youth from over the countries felt the possibility achieving world peace and now they are looking forward to meet peaceful world. The reason why International Peace Youth Group(IPYG) in on hot issue is that we are changing the world. Every peacemakers belong to International Peace Youth Group(IPYG), they are spreading the light in the world and it is making world one step forward to achieve world peace. International Peace Youth Group(IPYG) will be the strong base that all the youth can get together and build world peace on it. This base will unit all the youth from the world beyond the nationality, countries and religion. We still needs more youth's to be peacemakers in International Peace Youth Group(IPYG) and make this magical history more faster.

IPYG will keep work for world peace

2014년 6월 2일 월요일

What is International Youth Peace Group(IPYG)?

What is International Youth Peace Group(IPYG)?

International Youth Peace Group(IPYG) started with gatherings of youth desiring for peace. Its starting point was in Seoul, South Korea. In May 2013, more than 30,000 youth, not only Korean but also international youth living in South Korea gathered and had International Peace Youth Walk. At this event, thousands of youth got inspired with their passion about world peace and this peace campaign spread out all over the world. Since this May 2013 International Youth Peace Walk, now, there are 241 international peace youth group from 70 countries joining together.

International Peace Youth Group(IPYG) Peace Walk

International Youth Peace Group(IPYG) is looking forward to achieve world peace in the world. Our purpose is to unite all the youth beyond the nationality, religion and countries. We are working to awake all the passion hide in the youth and to inspire them as peacemakers. International Peace Youth Group(IPYG) aims to gather all the youth of every nation and build peaceful future in the world.

International Peace Youth Group(IPYG) we aim to achieve world peace

As a youth, being a main force to change the world, we will respect the diversity existing in us and try to share all those beautiful cultures to understand and build world peace together. Instead of experiencing sadness from the war, we will try our best to stop the war, not seeing bloods but growing happiness in people's heart. We believe this is possible, if we, International Youth Peace Group(IPYG) work together and show our desire for world peace.

International Peace Youth Group(IPYG), Peace is POSSIBLE

We are now active in peace campaigns and projects held in lots of different countries. International Youth Peace Group(IPYG) is growing quickly and spread out to the world as fast as our desperate hope.

2014년 5월 25일 일요일

Peace has to be achieved in our generation

Peace has to be achieved in our generation

In human history, war has been break out constantly for thousands of years. Even though there were some movements to change the world, world is not peaceful yet. Some people who have lived in peaceful world, they will try to keep that life. On the other hand, people who have experienced the crucial life being in war, they will try to change the world, so that they won't be living in those kind of life again. As a result, there is no one who wants war. Instead, all of us are dreaming about peaceful world. However, even if many people tries to change the world, but if it doesn't change for a long time, then people starts to lose their hope and think this is impossible. So, before people lose their hope and give up working for peace, we need to achieve world peace. Let's not give up and try our best to achieve world peace together! International Peace Youth Group(IPYG) has already started working to change the world and now, we are looking forward to work with you:)

2014년 5월 17일 토요일

World Peace is Our Dream to Achieve

World Peace is Our Dream to Achieve

  It's uncommon to talk about 'World Peace' these days, especially in our daily life. That's why people thought it was odd, when I said I wanted to write an essay about 'World Peace'. because we only hear the phrase 'World Peace' in the news so we don't really feel that it affects our  daily lives. However, I feel that it is important that we work on this urgent issue. Because of the urgency of this issue, I want to talk to you about it and I hope you reflect on its importance.
  First, war is not only a problem for warring nations, but all of countries. As we live on the same planet 'Earth', we can say we are a global family. Because of that, we are related to all of the wars happening around the world. For example, let's go back to the past and think about the Korean War. Were there only North and South Korean soldiers fighting in this land? No. There were others fighting with us and lots of countries helped us by supplying us with supporting soldiers, food and necessities during the war. Moreover, it also effected a lot of the world's economy, society and politics.
  More directly, we are the youth who look forward to prepare for our future. If we live only for today, then our life would be much different. However, because we plan to live for tomorrow, this is why we need a peaceful world. Imagine you have everything planned for the future, but what if war breaks out? Do you think you can achieve your dream in that world? Absolutely not. Men would be busy fighting for their lives and others would be terrified trying to escape from the situation. Also, for those who have brothers, they don't even want to think about their family fighting in the battlefield. So, now we can see the importance of world peace. It's necessary to plan for our dreams but first of all, we should work together to achieve world peace.
  Then, we can think, what is the peace that we need? Was there no effort to try to achieve peace in our history? Because there is no peace in this world, how can we work to achieve it? Let's start with the word 'Peace' and solve these questions. The definition written in the dictionary says, countries or groups are talking to each other in order to try to end the conflict. Also, it says, if there is peace in a country or in the world, there are no wars or violent conflicts going on. This means we need to end the war in this world to have peace in our life.
  In addition, there were people who were trying to achieve peace in the world. For example, Gandhi, Mandela and Mother Teresa. They tried in many different ways to bring about world peace. Not only them but also others who had the same thought participated with them. However, what was the result? As you look around, there are still wars going on in the world. I'm not saying those movements were failures, but it was not enough to bring about complete world peace. Why? Were their effort not enough? Or was it the wrong way to achieve peace? No, I think it is because we didn't try to work together. Like I mentioned in the beginning, achieving peace is not the homework for only some people but  all of us. Each of us has our duty to achieve peace. We need to work together to bring world peace in our life.
  Especially the youth, as the central influencing force on the world, we need to get together and take the lead to bring about peace. This means we should be the peacemakers instead of the soldiers in war.
  This thought could seem hard to achieve, however, if the world gets together in International Peace Youth Group and we gather our strength, I am sure it is possible and we can dream about our future with big smile.

2014년 5월 10일 토요일

Knowing the word 'PEACE'

Knowing the word 'PEACE'

When you hear some word, you start to imagine the picture of the meaning in your head. Weather you experienced it or saw it on TV. We can also know from the knowledge that we have learned in school. However, if there is a word that we didn't learn or not related to our life, then it will be hard to imagine it. How about the word 'War'? This word 'War' was too close to human history that we couldn't even be separated to this. We saw lots of videos and pictures on TV about the word 'War' and some of us might even experienced this word. There are words that makes people happy but the word 'War' depress people and remind sad feelings. I am sure there will be no happy memories with the word 'War'. So, why don't we stop using this word in our life? Words also live and die like people. As we know by the history, a word is used when people need it. However, as time goes by, if words are not used by people, then words disappear in our life or changed to another word. So, how about we delete the word 'War'? If we stop the war in our world then there will be no use to say the word 'War'. There will be only the word 'Peace' using in our world. This will be the best inheritance to our next generation. Later when we become parents, we can teach the word 'Peace' to our children with a smile instead of telling them about the war. This process will inquire lots of time but if we all work together in International Peace Youth Group, then it will become possible. Let's prepare our valuable present for next generation.

2014년 5월 7일 수요일

Achieving the true peace with International Peace Youth Group

Achieving the true peace with International Peace Youth Group

We have heard about the word 'Peace' a lot. In addition, there are lots of meanings contained in this word. People can think peace is loving, helping, believing and etc. But the definition written in the dictionary says, countries or groups are talking to each other in order to try to end the conflict. Also, it says, if there is peace in a country of in the world, there are no wars or violent conflicts going on. It seems like all of those meanings are in this large definition. However, in the dictionary, it say more specifically about achieving it. In reality, we need to end the war in this world. At that time, we can finally say that really achieved world peace or there is a peace in this world. not only the abstract thing but applying them in our world. The true world peace is the we make this peace happen in this world and hand over to our descendants. Isn't this the true peace that we all eager for? Aren't we strive to achieve this world peace? There would be no one who would oppose this will. Even though people are working in different way, they are all hopping for this peace, right? So, now let's gather our power to shine the world and achieve the true peace in this world. I believe all the youth can gather in International Peace Youth Group.

2014년 5월 4일 일요일

World Peace is our final goal

World Peace is our final goal

The one thing that human can say they are different from the animal is that they live for tomorrow. Which means people have their own goal to live and they live to achieve those goal. We look forward and prepare for our future. What kind of future do you dream about? If we live only today, then our life would be much different. However, because we plan for tomorrow, there are something that we all should prepare together. It is peaceful world. It doesn't seems like important to us than other things, but the reason why it's important is that we need world peace to dream our future. Imagine you have everything planned for the future, but war break out? Do you think we can achieve our dream in that world? Absolutely not. People would be busy fighting for their lives and escape from the situation. So, now we can feel how important the world peace is. It's good to plan for our dream but on the other side, we all should also work together to achieve world peace. Let's get together in International Peace Youth Group and spread our dream in the world.

2014년 4월 27일 일요일

International Peace Youth Group is now all around the world

International Peace Youth Group is now all around the world

When International Peace Youth Group first held International Peace Walk was May 25th, 2013. It has been almost one year since the first International Peace Walk, however, the effect started from the event is amazing now. The first International Peace Walk was held in Seoul, Korea with more than 30,000 people. Now, in one year, International Peace Walk held in many other countries by lot of youth who eager for world peace. It was held in America, Philippine, Europe and so on. It is keep working around the world. Even though, youth all around the world speaks different language, have different life style, we got together in our own country and show our hope to the world. As this movement, International Peace Walk, spreads out, I am sure the world someday, could be gathered in peace. It is the youth who can lead world peace to our future. Was it held in your country? If not yet, join International Peace Youth Group and let's have the peace wind blow in your country too.

2014년 4월 21일 월요일

Feel the happiness of PEACE with International Peace Youth Group

Feel the happiness of PEACE with International Peace Youth Group

How do you feel when you are with the people you love and having fun time? You will feel the happiness and be comfortable with it. On the other hand, what if you were in dangerous situation? Even if you were with your precious ones, you wouldn't be happy with in this situation. You would rather feel nervous because of the possibility of losing your lovers. This could feel like just an imagination, however, it was happening all the time around us. When war broke out, people feel danger and they cannot really go on with normal life. They live every minutes with fear and worrying about their live. Who wants this kind of life? No one. We cannot even dream about our future in this situation, because we even don't know what will going to happen after 5 minutes. Which means we won't have any reason to live. This sad and desperate situation is still happening on our neighbor countries. It's not only their problem. It's our homework to solve and we need to get together and fix this. To change this as a happy story International Peace Youth Group has got together and working on many different peace project. They already held lots of peace walk wishing for world peace in many countries. Not all the youth has gathered yet, however, if we all grab our hand and shout out loud for world peace, I am sure we can achieve world peace in our life. Let's feel the happiness of peace with International Youth Peace Group.

2014년 4월 14일 월요일

What part of the world do you belong to?

What part of the world do you belong to?

War or Peace. Which one is more familiar to you? Why is that? These days, when we turn on TV, there are lots of news that's related to wars. It could be the one that doesn't related to your country but it is still related to us because it is happening in our world.
Let's go back to the past and think about the world war 2. Did it only effect the country where the world war was happening? No. there were lots of countries where they support soldiers, food, necessaries and etc. War is not the problem for one countries. It is our problem.
In contrary, there were also people who were trying to achieve peace in the world. For example, Gandhi, Mandela and Mother Teresa. They tried in many different ways to achieve bring world peace in this world. Not only them but also others who had same thought participated with them, hopping for world peace. However, what was the result? As you look around, there are still wars going on around the world. I'm not saying that movement was a failure, but it was not enough to bring complete world peace in this world. Then, why? Were their effort not enough? or Was it wrong way to achieve peace? No, I think it is because we didn't try it together. Like I mentioned in the front, achieving peace in not the homework for some people but ours. Each of us has our duty to achieve peace. We need to try together to bring world peace in our life.
For the leaders, because they have power to communicate and negotiate with other country's head, they should try to maintain peaceful relationship.
For the youth, as the central force to influence in the world, they need to get together and be the head of peace work. Which means, Be the peacemakers instead of being a soldier.
Lastly, for women, as a mother of the earth, they should stand for peace and support their men and children. To take care of them and also the others so that everyone is in peace.

Which part do you belong to? What kind of duty do you have? For me, as a youth, I join International Youth Peace Group and participate lots of peace work. I feel very responsible for this and I am looking forward that one day, we all smile in peace.

2014년 4월 9일 수요일

IPYG Victory Cup, achieving unity through Sports Tournament.

The definition of sport is 

1. an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against  another or others for entertainment.

2. a person who behaves in a good or specified way in response to teasing, defeat, or a similarly trying situation.

Wtih IPYG, I believe there are more meanings in the word of  'sport.'
Below is the news published on the Brunie Times regarding the Victory Cup Sport Tournament. This Victory Cup does not aim for to win others, but its main goal is to promote peace, reconciliation and harmony beyond the nation, race, religions and languages. It might sounds easy, but harmonizing with other from who are grown from different background are not an easy matter.

It requires much more than 'trying to unite.' IPYG, we play sports to unite and harmonize with people from different ideology. Victory Cup was held annual from regional matches to Final Match. Through team sports, we learn how to cooperate as one team. Sport helps us to bound together especially beyond the language barriers.

You can read more detailed information about Victory Cup held in 2013 in the article attached below. 

Reference @ The Brunie Times


2014년 3월 24일 월요일

PEACE is what we want

PEACE is what we want

What is your favorite food? What is your favorite thing to do?
Who is your favorite person? What is your dream?

It's so happy and exciting to think about these things.
We always try to do something we want to do. It's natural to all of us.
However, what if we can't do these things?
Can't eat your favorite food, can't do what you wants to do,
can't be with your favorite people and you can't dream your own future.
How do you think it will be like? Can you imagine?

Don't be disappointed yet. There is still a chance to make this right.
The main cause of this is peace.
If there is a peace, we can dream about our favorite things.
However, If there is no peace, it's hard to do such things.
Like the famous quote 'Health is the best of all', if we loose our life, there won't be any chance to try other things.

So, among all of your favors, PEACE, especially WORLD PEACE is what we want and what we need. Let's achieve world peace in the world and make our dream come true!
International Youth Peace Group is already in the front working for this. We also need your light of peace to achieve final WORLD PEACE.

2014년 3월 22일 토요일

Hands in Hands

Hands in Hands...

I was walking along the countryside and saw fence runs all the way to the end.
The fence doesn't seems that big or made with hard material. However, it was the strongest fence ever. Why? Because there wasn't any breaks or holes between each other. Which means, it was doing its job perfectly.
Then, I saw this picture, papers men grabbing each others hands. It might looks weird but, to me, it gives me the strength of peace. When people grab each others hands, what others can be stronger than this? When we get together and gather our compassion about peace, why can't it be possible to achieve world peace? If all the people around the world hold each others hand, who will break world peace? This is how we achieve world peace in this world and this is what we need to do now. Actually, it has been already started with International Peace Youth Group. So now, you can be one of us and grab your precious one's hand with the heart of world peace. I believe one day, we can all share our light and brighten the world with peace.